I was just thinking that I want to express that I am so grateful for all of the people in my life. I am very fortunate to have association with so many great people.
Varun -- thanks for the great conversation last evening
Pia -- thanks for the facial a few days ago, and thank you for being so cool
Five Point Capital -- Team Fleisher, thanks for being so fun
Hare Krishna devotees -- thanks for being so wonderful and helpful
Family -- thanks for the love
massage therapy classmates -- thanks for being so fun and so great to be around, and for the great massages
Beate -- thanks for being a great person, and letting me sit in your massage chair
Mr. Esgar (high school biology teacher) -- thanks for writing my recommendation to get into college, and thanks for being such a great teacher, you motivated me to do my best
Tirzah Conlon -- Thanks for changing my life for the better, you are an angel
Jessica Marks -- Thank you for being one of my best friends
Princeton football friends -- thanks for all of the good times
Dan Rudman -- thanks for getting me into trading
This is a start...
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Front Door Epiphanies

I paused while standing in front of the door to the townhome in which I live this evening right before entering the house, after a day at work.
I thought, WHAT DOOR WILL I BE ENTERING 10 years from now? How about 20? How about 30 years from now? I envisioned me in an older body, knocking on the door of a family's home, telling them about God, with such a peaceful, happy, loving disposition. I would stay with them for a night and maybe we would talk all night, and laugh, cry, and share our hearts.
I also envisioned, me in an older body, walking into a home that I own, and my kids would be waiting for me on the couch. I had a great day trading the markets that day, I would be walking into the home where my family is. I would be with my wife and kids...still knowing that it is all so temporary, and that I am the soul, and my family all are souls, journeying through life eternally. I hope to have spiritual association wherever I am.
Which door will it be? There are other potential doors I could walk through as well, these two came to mind though. It was very poignant because I really experienced both scenes, and "lives." Neither one would be satisfying if I was not putting my heart in to it. Both would be satisfying if I was. At the last moment, all I have is Hare Krishna. This material world is very dream-like. The only constant is change. We can go within and have peace and knowledge in our heart and soul by humbly bowing down before the source of all that be and saying please let me do right by you.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Chanting Hare Krishna whilst playing tambourine aka happiness of the soul

I acquired a tambourine yesterday, and I am playing it so much now. I carry it with me in my car, and I bang it on my right knee while driving, and I sing along to the beat. Mostly I sing Hare Krishna. It is really fun. It actually makes car rides ecstatic and completely joyful. That is the power of singing to Krishna, Krishna is so full of ecstasy and knowledge and love. And also, it is our soul's dharma to love Krishna all of the time, so singing to Krishna is a way that I express my gratitude to Krishna and also my surrender and also my love. Plus it is incredibly fun and enlivening. I hope to get in a studio and record an album.
I was at a party last night, and saw some friends whom I had not seen in a while. I met someone new, and he noticed that I was drinking water. He said something like, "Do you not drink?" I said, "No I do not." He asked me why, and I said for my health and well-being. Then I said, "How about you?" He was unsure of what I was getting at or what I meant, so I just said have you ever not been a drinker, or something like that. He said, well, I don't need to drink, but I do sometimes. THEN -- he said: "The body will rot and wither away anyway, so why not help it along?"
This comment stayed with me for the rest of the night, not because there is truth in what he said about the body dying at somepoint, but because I did not respond intelligently to him. I feel like I let down my brother, I truly do, and I am sad about it. I want to see him happier and more enlightened, and I feel like I did not do my part to to help my brother and fellow soul. I learn this lesson: I intend to be more confident in speaking whatever knowledge I have.
To take what he said to its logical conclusion -- why not just kill the body NOW then?? Why not? This is the essence of what he is saying. I wish I told him about the soul and how true happiness comes from devotion to the supreme spirit, Krishna. This satisfies our self that never dies. We actually never die, we go on and on and on...Everyone can experience happiness that goes beyond these temporary conditions of this world, we just need to go within and understand that we are a FOREVER-SELF, totally transcendental to material conditions. And what satisfies our FOREVER-SELF, and actually puts it into major happiness, is devotion and love of God, the SOURCE.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Cafecody.com and Alexgrey.com

Here are a couple of really cool sites to check out -- Cafecody.com is such a cool online radio station that plays great music. Its an awesome station.
And when I first saw the paintings of Alex Grey, I was like...HOLY COW this guy is gifted and amazing. I say he is gifted, but obviously he intends to manifest this gift and bring it out, so props to him. His art is SO amazing, you just have to see it and experience it for yourself. It is quite incredible.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Relationship with the Supreme

I have had experiences in my life where I had this feeling that there MUST be some "source" of life. It was such a cool realization to say the least. I then thought -- whomever or whatever that source is, that source must KNOW EVERYTHING. It was amazing. I thought this source is the perfect conductor of the symphony of life and that this source is a brilliant artist beyond my imagination and comprehension!!!!!!!! The source is so smart and knows every living being so perfectly. I love the source!!!! It is so fun to think like this. It is the TRUTH. And then I discovered a whole community of people who love the source and want to know more about the source -- The Hare Krishnas.
Krishna is the source of life, the amazing living source who always exists and knows everything. I feel like I want to hug Krishna but I feel like if I did hug Krishna I wouldn't feel his body because he does not have a material body, it is totally spiritual. I would feel it spiritually though. One spiritual feeling I had recently was when I was in kirtan (singing Hare Krishna mantra and other names of Krishna) with devotees (Kelly, Regina, Lori, and others) and as the singing evolved, I felt this energy that was getting so much fuller and expanding, it was amazing. It was like the buildup to a spiritual orgasm. I swear. I didn't really feel it at all in parts of my body, it was this energy that was totally on the inside. I wish I would have kept going more to see what would have happened :)
For me, this journey started with me asking the question -- WHO AM I? and -- WHAT IS THE PERFECT WAY TO BE? The fact is that we are everlasting spiritual beings/souls who are in these bodies for a temporary time. It is our desire and Krishna's will that determines what our life experience is and where we go. It is my experience that the most happiest, most joyous, sweetest desire is to want to know Krishna, and to be happy singing Hare Krishna, especially with devotees.
I remember sitting in my friend Andrew's car several years ago, and I started to cry because I was thinking of how my parents were physically aging and how they look older. I felt like I love my parents. I also cried when I watched home movies of when I was 3 or 4, and I saw my parents looking so much younger and my dad looking so much physically healthier. I got so sad! It was this feeling that it was so sweet then and that I want to play like we used to play but we are all so much older. But NOW I know the true sweetness I was longing for and lamenting over is RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW. Krishna's love is the sweetest. Being loved is so sweet, isn't it? Now I appreciate this moment so much and appreciate the truth that the love in our hearts never grows old, it is always pure, and we can experience it right now. We don't die, its just our bodies that do. Our spiritual essence is forever and I want to flood the world with ecstasy and realization by singing Hare Krishna from the top of my lungs!!!!!!!!! Right now I am even getting really energized inside and kind of frustrated that I can't put these thoughts and sentiments I have into words better.
Our ONLY TRUEST HAPPINESS IS IN KRISHNA CONSCIOUSNESS!!!!!!! Everything good follows from that. It is like watering the root of a tree -- the WHOLE tree grows. We should put our energy into loving Krishna. This is our eternal relationship.
Everything else changes, people get old, change jobs, meet new people, fall out of touch with old ones, change apartments, have surgery, get diseases, meet new girlfriends/boyfriends, get married, have kids, make money, lose money, get fatter, get skinnier, get praised, get criticized, make plans, have plans not work out. We can live in this world and have relationships and business, etc., but the true way of happiness and peace is in knowing that we are all eternal parts of the Supreme whole, the source -- Krishna, and that we can go to the spiritual world and live in total bliss and love, completely free from ignorance and illusion.
Yes we can have the taste and glimpse of that in this life, while we are here on Earth, we just need to be loving Krishna (God, the Source), and associating with devotees (lovers of God) and chanting Hare Krishna mantra (names of God, can be whatever is in your tradition/preference). This is very nice :)
Saturday, October 27, 2007

Dig it. I am still in massage therapy school, and ecstatic practice makes perfect, so before I go on to rock the world ecstatically and transcendentally with professional massage (and also with super-ecstatic singing of Hare Krishna in sankirtan), you can have one for FREE. Write me to schedule one.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Healing Hands

I am going to this awesome massage therapy school, its called Healing Hands, it is in San Diego. It is such a great feeling knowing that the person whom I am massaging feels so happy and relaxed and in bliss. I think that massages, at their best, are where souls connect and share the divine healing love energy!!!!!!!!!! It is really great. It is good for your circulation and health too, no need to stress, there is no true happiness in the attainment of material objects, so why fuss?? Now I am no true devotee of Krishna, but I am learning!! Its all about relishing in the spiritual, the eternal transcendental energy, full of real happiness and understanding. Lord Krishna says in the Bhagavad-Gita:
"One who is thus transcendentally situated at once realizes
the Supreme Brahman (spirit) and becomes fully joyful. He never laments or desires to have anything. He is equally disposed toward every living entity. In that state he attains pure devotional service unto Me."
Pretty cool stuff!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Superfly SPINAL STRETCHING is lovely!!!!!!!

I am getting an inversion table, it will be the new thing amongst all seekers of heath and optimal life, buzzing with ecstasy and awareness -- get UPSIDE DOWN on an inversion table, get the blood flowing, stretch your spine...check it out!! It is so good for you, a few minutes per day, stop sitting on the couch or eating and drinking bad stuff and get inverted, please, thanks!!
Kagome Juice -- Drink this UP!!!!!!!!!!

This will be the coolest blog, you will totally check this every day for rad sweet updates on ever increasing happiness and cool stuff.
The first thing is Kagome Juice. My God this is amazing juice. 5 servings of fruits and vegetables in one 30 oz. bottle. The whole thing is that we feel better, we are happier, and more aware when we just eat raw fruits and vegetables. This is the most natural, healthiest way of eating. Start off by drinking this juice, just try it! Love this stuff!!! I am excited and happy about Kagome. I want everyone to be happy and healthy.
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